Thursday, 28 August 2008
So, the 2008 Olympic Games is over, I do not care how many Gold medal which country or anyone had got as that's not my problem and focus. Pollution, corruption, poverty, 6 hundred million illiteracy, right-violence, unjust and autarchy... makes it meaningless and antic. As to me, I've been yearning for free-right, respect, justice... Why can't we live just like a west people? We've bring-up and feed so many office-bearer-pig to govern ourselves, Olympic , it's just a shame, and it's just a G-string.
But just forget that lousy communistic party's luxury party and the pains, yeah, i've seen Phelps,Dream 8...(So many outstanding athletes) finally, aha! It's a feast to see their games.
As you know i'm a gadgets fan, and thanks gizmodo- "10 Gadgets That Help You Play Like an Olympian", save me so much time to state such gadgets myself.
For me, I wanna to get the icanbreathe and the Bird's Nest Ashtray to resist and memorialize this luxury Olympic hold in my deplorable and poor China.
Hope you guys like it! Furthermore, supply Smog for Free in Beijing anytime.
Via gizmodo